So here is the short version: Little Zara Soleil Brazel and her parents are familiar faces at Mystic Mocha, one of our favorite coffee shops in town. We heard Zara was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in February from the good folks at Mystic and just felt crushed for her and her family.
Childhood Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes a large number of abnormal blood cells. Zara will spend the next six months undergoing chemo at Radys Children's Hospital in San Diego. As you can imagine this puts not only an unbelievable strain on the body and soul but Zara's family will spend day and night at the hospital to be by her side, putting a very real financial burden on her strong, seriously courageous and loving family.
We wanted to help out, so we are having a Zara Fun(d) Day this Sunday, March 22. We open at 11:30 and go till Midnight and we will give 15% of money made to Zara's family, in addition to the tips for the day/night. Come by and have a pint or a pizza, or both.
To read more about Zara and check in on her progress, go to the website the family has set up at http://www.zarabrazel.com. You can donate there to the cause as well. Thanks, all. Hope to see you Sunday.